Joe Foti

Born 1962 Queens, New York, Joe Foti joined Chrome Hearts in 1990 at its inception to oversee the Art and Science Division.  It was around this time that Joe furthered his appreciation for art in general, especially due to his mentor, and close friend, artist Daryl Trivieri.  In 1997, after meeting his wife, Mayumi, Joe began working together with her as a team, locating strange treasures to incorporate into their art.  Shortly after their union, Joe and Mayumi moved to Tokyo to work at Chrome Hearts Japan from 1998 to 2003 and continued working on art pieces there.   Joe Foti remarks, “My favorite kind of art is the kind that people look at and go “what the fuck is that?” so I love creating little monsters and strange pieces to bring forth amazement and intrigue from the viewer.”


Fisting Scars Tokyo 2002

Phantasmagoria Osaka 2002

Rewarding The Ugly Tokyo 2004


Floojin Stamp Tokyo+Osaka 2009

Here Comes Mr. Oculus Tokyo+Osaka 2011

The Adventures From Beaver Creek pt.1 Tokyo 2013

The Adventures From Beaver Creek pt.2. Tokyo+Fukuoka 2015

The Adventures From Beaver Creek pt.3 Tokyo2017

Mimichambers Tokyo+Osaka 2019

Zeta Reticuli Tokyo+Osaka 2022